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Showing posts from August, 2011

Discipleship Training camp: Called to Bear Much Fruit

Welcome to all EU Students who desire to continue growing in the Lord. DT camp on 9-11th Sept 2011 1. Veunue: Naveenta retreat centre . 2. Theme: "Called to bear much fruit" (John 15:8) 3. Registration fee: Student: 300/- Single graduate: 600/- Family: 1000/- Please continue to Pray for. 1. God's guidance through out the camp. 2. Speakers health and preparation. 3. Good weather. 4. Good singing. 5. Students preparation (expected number 25) 6. Financial need of ~20,000/- 7. Expectations from the camp. 1. Students might be challenged to follow Jesus faithfully. 2.Students might be equipped and encouraged to have regular quiet time and personal bible studies. 3.Students might be challenged to be witnesses for our LORD, where ever they go. With Prayers IIT Delhi-EU ________________________________________________________________ M Raju, Research Scholar, Thin Film ...

Academic Opening

UNION OF EVANGELICAL STUDENTS OF INDIA-DELHI WZ34/7, Mukerjee Park Ext, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018 Hi Friends! UESI Delhi is organizing Academic Opening- an evening of thanksgiving and celebration for all EU students, at CNI Bhavan on August 13, 2011 at 3:30 p. m. The program will be led by the students who attended CMTC this summer. This would be a time for you as an EU to come and share some of the things you learned and did in the past academic year, and also some of your plans for the coming year. So before we get too busy with academics and other activities, let us come together and give thanks to God for his goodness to us in the past year! Given below are the details of the program: Introduction Praise and Worship: North Delhi Ice Breaker: South West Delhi Message: Ungshungmi Sharing by EUs Date :August 13, 2011 Time : 3:30 to 5:30 P. M Venue: CNI Bhavan, 16 Pandit Panth Marg, New Delhi 110001 Come join the celebration! Regards, Anna Jaco...