Welcome to all EU Students who desire to continue growing in the Lord. DT camp on 9-11th Sept 2011
1. Veunue: Naveenta retreat centre .
2. Theme: "Called to bear much fruit" (John 15:8)
3. Registration fee:
Student: 300/- Single graduate: 600/- Family: 1000/- Please continue to Pray for. 1. God's guidance through out the camp. 2. Speakers health and preparation. 3. Good weather. 4. Good singing. 5. Students preparation (expected number 25) 6. Financial need of ~20,000/- 7. Expectations from the camp. 1. Students might be challenged to follow Jesus faithfully. 2.Students might be equipped and encouraged to have regular quiet time and personal bible studies. 3.Students might be challenged to be witnesses for our LORD, where ever they go.
With Prayers IIT Delhi-EU ________________________________________________________________
M Raju,
Research Scholar,
Thin Film ...