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Christians and Violence

On Saturday 23 August the Hindu leader Swami Laxmanananda and four of his associates were assassinated Kandhamal district, Orissa. Saraswati, who was a senior figure in the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad), strongly opposed the conversion of Hindus to Christianity. The police and state officials have blamed the attack on suspected Maoist rebels, and Christian leaders in India have clearly condemned it. The Maoist guerillas later on September 9 offifically claimed responsibility for the killing.

After the killing of Swami Laxmanananda, the VHP called for a statewide shutdown on August 25. The same day rioters burnt a Christian orphanage where an employee was burnt alive. Since then some 50 people have been killed and over thousand of houses and hundreds of churches set on fire. Thousands of people are now living in relief camp as they are scared to return home.

Things get worse as the violence spread to other states. Christians in Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka felt the heat of the hindu extremists. These are states ruled by BJP which are sympathetic to the VHP and Bajrang Dal.

In the wake of the violence spreading to other parts of the nation, there is an urgent need for mature Christians' response. This kind of violence against the Christians will not be the last. Anyone with fair knowledge of the sociological trend can fairly predict violence against Christians even in the near future.

In the light of such observation what do you think Christians in India should do? Whether it is for immediate purpose or otherwise, please share your thought.


Cheriachen said…
Christians should fervently pray and participate in all efforts to create awareness and represent thematter at the highest levels of government.

The EFI, of which the UESI is a part of, has been at the forefront of creating awareness and representing this matter at the highest levels of government. To my mind they have done a commendable job in raising awareness and voicing opinion and have partnered with Churches (including the Catholic church)and other Christian bodies as a united front. They have represented issues to various levels of political leadership (national and international), engaged with Christian politicians to exert their influence and pressure and lobbied hard.

EFI news bulletins are being regularly circulated on various yahoogroups challenging the constituency to pray, write letters to the political leadership and use their influence and goodwill in government so that there would be a stop to the perpetration of the dastardly crimes.

As individuals we should therefore pray, be present at some of the joint programs/ demonstrations, write letters/ send e-mails to political leaders, write letters to newspapers/ magazines, on blogs etc. and use our individual influence, resources and positions to the extent possible
In addition, we all need to generously contribute to organisations such as EFICOR/ EMFI that are involved in providing relief and succour to those affected.

It is important to remember that we should not only be stirred when there is violence against Christians – we should be equally concerned if the Muslim community is targeted or Buddhists or Sikhs or Dalits. The “natural” calamities in Bihar, the poverty of Orissa, exploitation of mine workers in Bellary … this is a long list – should equally grip our attention and cause us to act – wisely and in a timely manner.

I think it is important that some students who have not yet taken a particular direction in their career choices needs to venture into Police, Judiciary etc. For those people who have made the choice it's not easy to shift to a different field even though it is known that there is a need in the other sector.

Recently when Vinoth had come to meet the students of University of Delhi a question why they've chosen the subject which they've chosen was asked. All, whether young or old, did not say that they were propelled to that direction by the vision to serve the Church and society.

UESI's vision is very clear. But Golden Jubilee's impact study shows that we have not influenced the society much. Some people have been saying that Christians need to enter into Politics now. I think Politics is easier said than done! But Law and Police should be within many students' reach...

I would love to hear comments from some senior graduates or else I may encourage students towards that direction which I think is the need of the hour...

Cheriachen said…
Yes it would be good to encourage students in any stream to consider public services as a career - administration and the police being 2 critical areas of service as well as in the area of legal services - where a Christian presence can make significant difference.

How come there are not too many comments?
Anonymous said…
I know many of you now in Delhi is participating in Dharna and other peaceful protest.

Another thing we can do is to write letters to nation news papers/TV channels. I tried my luck, but never seen the light till now. Could be because of my beautiful grammer !

Other way is having blogs. On ground level, can Delhi-UESI send a team to visit these districts to assess the situations? or some one spending time in Jantar Mantar and other places where victims sharing their experiences, capture and be a citizen journalist.

But I would suggest we have a big role in declaring truth and exposing the evil deeds/elements (Was it not the role of prophets?)

Also, as christians, in national capital, we may be able to contribute well on often harped upon theme of Debate on conversion.

Why not together and in group people study books/booklets dealing with topics of conversion and christian contribution to nation building?

Examples of such books will be "Why must you convert?" - Vishal Mangalwadi, "The confusion called conversion" - Dr. Ebe Sunderraj and to understand anti-christian literature written to instigatee people against christians (eg: "Harvesting Our Souls" , "Missionaries in India"- Arun Shourie) or ideology books to understand from where these ideas come from (" bunch of thoughts" and "We or Our Nationhood Defined" by Gowalkar founder of RSS).

We would need to know and learn more on christian contribution to India like "Missionary Conspiracy - Letters to a post Moderm Hindu" - Vishal Mangalwavi (this is a reply to Arun Shourie's book of "Missionaries of/in india"), "India - A Grand Experminent" - Vishal Mangalwadi

"Christian contribution to nation building" (ISPCK) is another book I found interesting.

Studying these will equip us to answer many baseless accusations.


James Sebastian
Anonymous said…
"Serving the church and society" ... well I was reflecting upon this statement minutes after reading these comments...

(not trying to be a uesi heretic :-)

would be amazing if it is hermeneutically placed in the context of calling - so that instead of serving-the-church-and-society - which seems to me to be a very driven statement rather than being called - after all isn't it Christ who goes ahead of us (as someone puts it) in the different professions and it is only then that we may serve the church and society, not that we bring Christ to the different professions...

P.S. Wholeheartedly agreed with all your wonderful and insightful comments

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