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Election 2009

General election is fast approaching, and political parties are busy breaking or forming alliances. We have two seasoned politicians as PM candidates: Manmohan Singh and LK Advani. Can one say Mayawati is the third PM candidate! Which one do you think will be the better prime minister for India?

Any political party that comes to power determines the course of its national history. Politicians have the power to destroy a nation; they also have the same power the build a weak nation into a rich and powerful a nation. Isn't this a reason good enough for a person to go out and cast her/his vote?

What are some guidelines to bear in mind as one votes?


Unknown said…
Generally speaking , for Christians , the default party of choice is the Congress, since voting for the BJP is generally considered sleeping with the enemy. However it is probably important to look at the quality of governance that a party is able to deliver than the party label. A look at Pakistan's current turmoil will help where a reasonably effective dictator was replaced by an ineffective and corrupt government through elections.

While going through the Congress probables for South Delhi, which is my Parliamentary constituency , I find the name of Sajjan Kumar as a possibility. Should I vote for Sajjan Kumar if he is nominated because he is a Congress man and theefore supposedly "secular" ? Will Sajjan Kumar be a great mind as policies are debated. Will he contribute to good governance ? What is the basis on which we vote for some one ? Governance or Secularism ? Which is more important ?

The Bible tells us to render unto Caesar what is his. But in a democracy, we have the addtional burden or privilege of helping determine who our Caesar shall be. And that is a bit of an awesome responsibility !
Unknown said…
I don't know , really its a matter of using your sense here. Frankly, I don't want to vote. Enough of these netas and politicians, I have lost their trusts.
But Gunaz, don't you think things will get worse if responsible people don't vote? I don't have the voting right in Delhi. I tried to get it done recently, but the bureaucrat was just to lazy to get things moving. So whether it's politicians or bureaucrats both can be 'phaltoo'. Had I have the voting right, I would make my vote count, whether the guy I vote for wins or loses.

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