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Showing posts from 2010


Doesn’t it sound like a ringing bell? Or, if you are a bookworm, you might recollect Suzy Welch’s 0.10.10 on Decision Making. If you are good at remembering the dates of birth, someone dear to you may dawn on your mind. (If you are a male, don’t grumble; remembering dates of birth is not the cup of tea of males, normally.) For Filipinos (natives of the Philippines), 10.10.10 reminds the momentous event on 10th October 2010 when 101010 runners rally for Pasig river’s restoration. Feeling like caught in a cobweb of information? Sorry, if you were bothered. Please follow the lines below. The Christian world has something special to offer to the world on 10 Oct. ’10. In fact, it is not just that day alone, but every day. Would you like to be part of it? In fact you ought to be. There is no choice. Hmmmmmm? Yes, it is so. Because prophet Micah said so – “He has told O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with Go...

Formation of Regional Committee of UESI in Delhi

One of the things that needs to be done this year (2010-2011) is the formation of Regional Committee for efficient functioning of the ministry. Delhi has 7 regions and each region must work towards forming regional committee. Hopefully, at least 5 region should be able to form such regional committee this year. Each Regional Committee must at least comprise of : 1. Regional Secretary 2. Regional Treasurer 3. 2 student representatives 4. 1 staff representative The panel of this Regional Committee may be presented to the SCC ( State Central Committee) for its approval, with or without modification. (SCC is the general body of UESI Delhi. It's like AGM!). The Regional Committee shall meet from time to time (at least 2 times during a year) for planning and prayer. Let us pray for the implementation of this objective and also work towards it.

Students Summer program

Discussion on Reservation

Recently there was a debate on the RESERVATION issue in Vinoth Ramachandra's blog between Manasi and sao tunyi. The blog post was on health care and as the debate diverted from the main topic (although the relation between the two are also topic for discussion), it was suggested that the discussion be carried over to another site. So here we are, open to anyone who would like to join in and comment on the issue of reservation. To see what already transpired in Vinoth's blog, click here
A Brief Report on The North Delhi ICEU Camp Reunion under the theme “What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?” Venue: Masihi Vandana, Mukherjee Nagar Date: 31/03/2010 Time: 17:00 hrs. Four young and energetic boys along with one EGF member, two associate staffs and a veteran yet ever-zealous man of God turned up for the Camp Reunion braving busy exam schedules and the hot summer rays, scheduled for about a quarter of a century people. One would hardly count that as a reunion of a camp of any sort considering the sheer minimal crowd present. However, undaunted by the absence of the many, these few people gathered together and bowed their heads in prayer, giving thanks to God for His unchanging love. Richard Masih shared on what it means and what it takes to be a Christian, and who is a real Christian. He highlighted three passages from the Holy Bible where the word Christian occurred and shared in brief the insights to those scriptural passages. 1. Acts 11:25,26 25Then Barnabas went to Tars...

Should Christians support that Indian Penal Code decrimillize homosexual practice?

This is a subject that Christians who are students of Social Science has much to say. The primary reason is because when it comes issues on interaction between governance and Christian ethics someone studying Computer Engineering or Geography or something of that sort is not taught in his or her classroom about governance or about Christian ethics. Students who study Political Science know better , or are supposed to, about governance than others. But we need to first ask ourselves what the Bible say about homosexuality. Read the first few chapters of Genesis and one cannot possibly miss out that God first created one male and one female. And it is this one male and one female that God united them in marriage. In the New Testament Jesus went on to quote the Genesis account to make his point about marriage. If Jesus himself affirmed the authority of the Genesis account who are we, after all, to deny the authority of Genesis! To be precise, God's design is that physical union must...