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A Brief Report on The North Delhi ICEU Camp Reunion under the theme “What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?”

Venue: Masihi Vandana, Mukherjee Nagar
Date: 31/03/2010
Time: 17:00 hrs.

Four young and energetic boys along with one EGF member, two associate staffs and a veteran yet ever-zealous man of God turned up for the Camp Reunion braving busy exam schedules and the hot summer rays, scheduled for about a quarter of a century people. One would hardly count that as a reunion of a camp of any sort considering the sheer minimal crowd present. However, undaunted by the absence of the many, these few people gathered together and bowed their heads in prayer, giving thanks to God for His unchanging love.

Richard Masih shared on what it means and what it takes to be a Christian, and who is a real Christian. He highlighted three passages from the Holy Bible where the word Christian occurred and shared in brief the insights to those scriptural passages.

1. Acts 11:25,26
25Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 26and when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. So for a whole year, Barnabas and Saul met with the Church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.
(Emphasis added).

[Point: A Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ]

He said, “If you are not a disciple of Jesus Christ, you are not a Christian!” One does not become a Christian merely by being born into a Christian family.
He spoke about the deceptions in Christianity; how people who call themselves Christians are not only born in a Christian family but also know the believer’s language and terminologies – for instance, greeting each other “Praise the Lord” or “Hallelujah”, instead of the casual “Hi” or “Hello”.
Emphasizing more on discipleship, he said that there is a calling for each one of us to be a learner, a disciple of Jesus Christ – learning from Him instead of learning from the world. The world has much to give, much more to misguide us. Therefore, he emphasized the need for us to learn the truth from Christ himself, through the Scriptures.

2. Acts 26:28
28Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian? (Emphasis added)

[Point: A Christian persuades others to be disciples of Jesus Christ]

Paul’s testimony stands as a model for us Christians who rarely persuade our fellow friends to be disciples of Christ. Richard was amazed at the fact that so many people call themselves Christians yet never share about Christ to their fellow friends. He felt that maybe their life with God was not exciting enough to share about God’s love to others. Or maybe their relationship with God was not worth sharing, or even worse, maybe they are backsliding.
This made the listeners to pause and examine their own lives.

3. 1 Peter 4:16
16However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name. (Emphasis added)

[Point: A Christian is willing to suffer for Christ’s sake]

If we are Christians, we should not be ashamed to suffer for Christ’s sake. Not that we should suffer to prove ourselves as Christians, but that we must be prepared to face any kinds of suffering for Christ’s sake - for the values we so eagerly hold on to, for being different from the rest of the conventional world, for the faith we profess in Christ Jesus.

Richard ended the message beautifully, challenging everyone to be true disciples of Jesus Christ.

After the sharing, a few questions were raised, doubts were clarified and thoughts settled. A word of prayer followed, and everyone dispersed in peace and contentment.

All is well that ends well.
Praise God for His bountiful blessings and love.

Time: 19:00 hrs – Lights out.

Members Present:
1. Thanga (President)
2. Agin (Prayer Secy.)
3. Joyson (Treasurer)
4. Ungshungmi (Member)
5. Richard Masih (Speaker)
6. Samuel (Associate Staff)
7. Emmanuel (Co-ordinator)
8. Dr. Kevi (EGF)

Report Prepared By: Ungshungmi Rungsung


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