The Bible teaches that all believers in Jesus Christ are members of the Church. Church is thus comprised of members from all regions across many generations. But believers do gather for worship and fellowship at many local settings. This local congregation is what is known as visible church. In local church membership is open to all followers of Jesus Christ, so to speak. Para-church organisations are set up by members of the Church to achieve specific objective. Bible society prints Bible; OM & ISPCK etc promote commentary and other literatures; Leprosy Mission & EHA etc are into healthcare; World Vision & EFICOR etc are into social service; YWAM & YFC etc are into youth ministry; IEM is into church planting ministry; RZIM & SAKSHI are into apologetics; CEF is into Children's ministry; and UESI is into university mission. All these kinds of para-church organisation exist to serve the church. But in para-church organisation "membership" is not open to...