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Meaningful Giving

The concept of giving can be viewed as a duty or as a means of flaunting ones wealth. Giving is neither new to humanity nor is it peculiar only to Christianity. Dutiful giving is common in many religions. However, as a Christian we give because we have received so much from God and  giving becomes a part of us with the realization that we own nothing and everything that we have is part of Gods resources.

It is important not to give just for the sake of giving as this may lead to the giver being detached from the receiver and thus the giver may not be able to understand the persons needs or situation defeating the whole purpose. As Christian students, we have been given resources that need to be used carefully. Education in India is not received by all and we are a privileged lot to study in the university. The talents we have developed through different activities are also unique to each of us and is a resource that we can pass on. Some of our belongings, probably precious only to us, can also be passed on to be enjoyed by someone at the stage we were once in. As students who do not earn, it is probably difficult for us to give money. But if we really wish to give someone money or buy something for them, it is possible to save the money generally spent for little luxuries that we are used to. Though it may not amount to a large amount, it is possible to give meaningfully if we come together as a student group and share our resources.

We also need to to contribute our ideas, values, faith and life to those living around us. It is vital to contribute as students and as Christians as it can really have an impact in the future of our country.

While giving is important; we should not do it as a mere duty but give meaningfully. As a Christian student, we are equipped with many resources that others do not have and therefore it is necessary to share this with others in our society. 

Remya Ann Mathew
Jesus and Mary College
Dwarka ICEU


Sathish Simon said…
Well written Remya,
Yes we do have resources and may we be meaningful in our giving.
Unknown said…
Hi Remya... Well articulated thought. Keep it up & keep posting.

It is good to encourage in Giving in terms of Talent, Time, Skills & Resources.... God our Maker also looks at the HEART (being grateful/thankful/cheerful etc.) with which we present our GIFT.
Both the Giver & the Quality of Gift are important as they are valued together. You can ponder over this & develop further in your next blog.
Gr8 stuff... Gr8 Initiative.
Unknown said…
"I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!" - Isobel Kuhn, Missionary to China and Thailand

This quote may sound irrelevant, to the instance. But, I am prompted to blog - by the word "response".

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