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Corporate Prayer

So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church to God. Acts 12:5 (NASB).

In the ministry of UESI , corporate prayer is one of the important ways that  the students, the graduate, and the staff can participate together and do the ministry more effectively. Private prayer life is a discipline we teach to our students in every camp. As breathing is vital for physical life, personal prayer is important for spiritual life. In the same way, corporate prayer is vital for the body of Christ the Universal Church.

In the 1970’s and 80’s there used to be all night prayers at local level EGFs and 3 day prayer conferences at district level and state level. In those gatherings, we usually had a short time of praise and worship followed by short exhortation and then a time of corporate prayer. During these sessions, we never used to be bored or felt like dragging. It used to be a conscious participation by all the members interceding for the needs of the ministry, individuals and of our country. Everyone used to really enjoy those conferences.  

The early church also was very much involved in the corporate prayers. The new converts were united with the other believers and included in the prayer meetings and fellowship (Acts 2:42). Even Paul while writing to the Church at Colossae and Ephesus asked them to pray for him (Col 4:3-4 Eph 6:19-20). When Peter was in prison, the church gathered in Mark’s house to pray and Peter was released miraculously.

Not all the prayers we send to The Throne of Grace may have the dramatic and miraculous answer that early church received for Peter’s sake. But it will help us to recognize the other believers as brothers and sisters in the family of God and also it will give a depth to our relationships with them. When we come together for prayer, we empathize and know in depth the problems, difficulties and spiritual warfare other brothers and sisters are going through. In turn, it gives us confidence and courage that somebody is praying for us when we ourselves are going through the problems. In addition, we can rejoice with others in their victories and God’s work done in and through their lives.

I recollect, 16 years back when one of our graduates was diagnosed with cancer, we gathered together for prayers. All of us were weeping, sobbing and groaning in prayers. Those prayers were not answered as we desired but all of us came to know how much we loved that brother and how deeply we felt for one another. This really united us in love and the unbelieving world witnessed it.

We used to have all night prayers once a month at Bro. G. S. P Dhas’s house and after continuing with that for some time, it was changed  to once a month Sunday afternoon of prayer where we really used to feel like one family. A deep bond of love and concern for one another in the fellowship were established and we could see many of those prayers are being answered even now.

I know of three girls in a hostel who used to pray just for 5 minutes in one of the girl’s room before going to college. Every day they used to pray for their friends, staff and other things. God answered their prayers for their college and did great things in their own lives too. One of the girls became staff worker, another became a leader in her state EGF and another married a full time worker.

In closing I encourage all EGFs and EUs in the various zones to meet for prayer whenever possible.  The numbers does not matter but the desire and availability is what matters.  Not everyone may be able to attend every prayer meeting but personally let each one of us try to find out the time, place where the prayer meetings are held and try to participate. Because together we can obey God fully than any of us could alone. It is our human tendency to overestimate what we can do by ourselves and to underestimate what we can do as a group. But as the body of Christ we can accomplish more than we dream possible working by ourselves. We all need a group of people praying for us.

By praying together and loving each other we express the love of Christ to the world.I am looking forward to see you all personally on ‘UESI Day of Prayer’ on 2nd October 2012. May God be glorified in and through our prayers.

SreeVani,  EGF-West Delhi


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