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Agnosticism and Atheism; why people hold to such views

I’m ready to be a “fool” for the cross, the resurrection, the Virgin Birth and may be many more other reasons. But I can not afford to be a fool by interpreting the initial chapters of the Genesis as a Science text book and thereby hinder many brilliant scientists from accepting the God of the Bible. The more and more I read, I’m more and more convinced that these scientists became agnostics or atheists not because of the sciences but because of the way Christians interpret the Bible and the way they live. Definitely what we believe and what we profess has a bearing on other peoples’ beliefs.
I don’t really bother whether Darwin’s theories stand or fall. Neither am I going to rejoice or lament if it is proven to be false. A Christian who has accepted the theory of evolution by properly understanding the Bible and the theory (of evolution) and come to the conclusion that they do not necessarily conflict one another has nothing to lose even if the theory (of evolution) is proven to be wrong. (Of course that does not mean that we should twist and turn the Biblical truths to accommodate more views in the pursuit of relevance). But someone who believes that the Bible and the theory (of evolution) contradicts one another will not only lose his faith when he realizes that indeed the theory is true but will also jeopardize the faith of many others who take the theory seriously.
It is worth to analyze thoroughly why people like Karl Marx and Darwin lose their faith in the God of the Bible, in whose names countless Christians and people of other faiths were slaughtered. Did Darwin lose his faith due to his scientific theories? Perhaps might be, but not entirely. Look at the history of the church during his time.
I believe both Marx and Darwin were very good human beings (good in the sense as is usually understood by the world) although they do not see eye to eye on various issues. They both love their neighbors much more than many of the professing Christians today. I’m sure they both will be horrified to see the slaughters being committed in their names. It is interesting to note that they both were brought up in a Christian environment. While Darwin goes to study divinity at Cambridge, Marx baptized and loses his faith (probably) due to his friendship with a group of so-called ‘radical’ theologians.
I believe that Christians need to be more compassionate to people like Darwin and Marx. Of course that does not mean that Christians should advocate their theories. No, not at all! But we need to analyze why they hold such (atheistic or agnostic) views before condemning them as “satanic”. Chances are that they rejected the God of the Bible because of the way Christians project the Scripture. Yes there are many who try to cling on the shield of atheism (for whom I have much less compassion) because of their moral bankruptcy, intellectual laziness and in their pursuit of ‘freedom from the Judgment and moral obligations’. But there are certainly people like our very own Mahatma (who actually is not an agnostic or atheist) who claimed that he rejected Jesus because of the Christians. And many who rejected the God of the Bible had no other alternatives but end up being agnostics.
Hence I would like to throw a discussion on “Agnosticism and Atheism; why people hold to such views?”
Views, opinions and comments are welcome on this topic as well as on what has been written above.


Yes, it may be true that some Christians view of the Bible may have turned away people. I am not sure about this since I have not seen in myself.

But I definitely do not agree that brilliant scientists are kept away from God because of the first few chapters of the Bible. That is a propagated view and from whatever I have seen it is not true. There is nothing wrong with the first few chapters of the Bible.

The truth claims of the first few chapters and some of the truth claims of macro evolution are equivalent as far as a scientific
view is concerned. Both are not repeatable and physically observable. So as long as human minds are finite, there is no question of past evolution or creation getting proven.

God's dealings in the past in the present and in the future are provided to us by revelation. Not by scientific experimentation.

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