John Stott lists 6 features of an evangelical Christian belief in the book Evangelical Truth: A Personal Plea for Unity, Integrity and Faithfulness. The 6 features are shared by others like J.I. Packer, Alister McGrath et al. Since these individuals have been associating with IFES in various ways there should not be plausible reasons for members of IFES India to disagree with them. The words may differ, but the points go like this:
1. The supreme authority of the Scripture with matters regarding faith and conduct.
2. The majesty of Jesus Christ, both as incarnate Lord and God and as Saviour of sinful humanity.
3. The Lordship of the Holy Spirit.
4. The need for personal conversion.
5. The importance of evangelism.
6. The importance of Christian fellowship.
The need to assert orthodox Christian belief in clear terms became necessary as various heretical and liberal groups emerged. This kind of declaration is not new. Christian orthodoxy have been proclaimed and reaffirmed over the years as the voice of heresy and liberal belief crept into the Church. The first of such declaration is found in Acts 15. Outside of the biblical history we find such declaration by the Church in 325 AD in Council of Nicaea and others like Council of Ephesus, Council of Chalcedon etc.
The need to reaffirm such historic Christian faith is no less even today. In matters of non-essentials we should be as flexible as a reed; and in matters of essential we should be as firm as a steel. May the Lord help us to preserve love and unity undergirded by His truth.
1. The supreme authority of the Scripture with matters regarding faith and conduct.
2. The majesty of Jesus Christ, both as incarnate Lord and God and as Saviour of sinful humanity.
3. The Lordship of the Holy Spirit.
4. The need for personal conversion.
5. The importance of evangelism.
6. The importance of Christian fellowship.
The need to assert orthodox Christian belief in clear terms became necessary as various heretical and liberal groups emerged. This kind of declaration is not new. Christian orthodoxy have been proclaimed and reaffirmed over the years as the voice of heresy and liberal belief crept into the Church. The first of such declaration is found in Acts 15. Outside of the biblical history we find such declaration by the Church in 325 AD in Council of Nicaea and others like Council of Ephesus, Council of Chalcedon etc.
The need to reaffirm such historic Christian faith is no less even today. In matters of non-essentials we should be as flexible as a reed; and in matters of essential we should be as firm as a steel. May the Lord help us to preserve love and unity undergirded by His truth.