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Our First Aim
The doorbell rang.
It was mid afternoon, and Mrs Mercy wondered who that could be.  She had not quite completed the chores of the day.  She wanted complete it and have a brief time of rest.
‘Good afternoon aunty!’  The cheerful faces of Annu and Binu, two students from the nearby college were at the door.   They were not stranges to Mercy.   They were part of the EU that meets at their home.   Annu and Binu had been coming to the student’s Bible Study group for last couple of months.
‘O come in, come in…..,’ Mercy too was catching their cheer.  ‘How come you are here at this time? Did we plan something for this afternoon?’
‘No aunty, we had off for the afternoon from the college, so we thought to drop in before going home’, said Binu.  Annu nodded in agreement.  But Mercy could see on their faces that there was something more than just ‘droping in’. It appeared as if they want to talk about something.
‘Have a seat, make yourself comfortable.  Let me get you something to drink’ Mercy was prompt to serve them some refreshment and snacks.  She had learned that she needs to be prepared in season and out of season when involving with EU students like them.  She was benefited as a student by graduates open homes and Mercy is not going to be let go this oppurtunity.
‘Just refresh yourselves; Let me finish this work and will be with you in a moment’ Balancing work and ministry is a challenge, but then you need to do both, some how… ‘I can do everything through Him who gives me strength’ Philipians 4:13 remembered Mercy.
‘Sorry aunty, we intrupted your work’ Annu and Binu were quick with their refreshments and had come to the kitchen. ‘But we wanted to ask you about something. Binu had opened up a bit.
‘Go ahead, what is that you want to ask?’ Mercy said, even as she continued her work.
‘It’s about what we discussed in our last EU meeting, aunty, …about the first aim of UESI’
‘We got into a bit trouble on that with one of our classmate….’ Annu continued realising that Mercy is listening attentively.
‘We learned that our first aim is “To present the claims of Jesus Christ so that other students may come to a personal experience of Him as Saviour, Lord and God, through the new birth” We just shared that to one of our classmate but she thinks it is not right.’
‘Is it so?’ Mercy completed the work and gave full attention. 
‘She thinks that it is not right to tell others about what your worldviews are and what you believe.’
‘But without that how can you obey Christ, who asked us to be witnesses for Him?’ Mercy asked to provoke their thinking.
‘That is right aunty’ Binu said after a moment of contemplation.  ‘To be a witness, we have to tell about Jesus, alongwith living a life that is an example of obedience to Him.’
‘You are right. The statement of our first aim says “to present the claims of christ to our fellow students”, that is your part as believing student;” and the second part “.. so that other students may come to a personal experience of Him as Saviour, Lord and God, through the new birth” is not in your hand, though you wish and pray that happens. We leave that for God to work and for that person to make a choice.’
‘Okey, now we understand.  We have to be faithful in what we are supposed to do in presenting the claims of Christ to our fellow students; and prayerfully leave the rest to God’s hand to grant them understanding of the truth and come to repentance.’
Mercy clarified further with some examples, both Annu & Binu had grasped the depth of what Mercy told them.
‘Thanks aunty it is almost time for us to go.  Thanks for your hospitality and encouregement. We will be here for our nest EU meeting on Tuesday evening.’
‘Bye, Take care. You will be in my prayers. Thanks for your visit, be free to come or telephone me any time as you wish’
 -John George & Betty


Michael EMFI said…
Keep reaching one student at a time and the Lord will increase His work in the colleges. Work with the passion do not give up sharing the claims of Christ becuase of discouragments. God's Children/Students share your faith in colleges we may not get the chances back
Jacob Varghese said…
It is good reminder!
getting back to basics, Importance of Evangelism & Availability of a senior to help them out in their struggles!
José Iran said…
Peace be with you! My name is José Iran and the founder of the ministry of evangelization called the internet world for Jesus and wanted to make an international partnership between the blogs, if they accept the partnership just comment on my site:

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